

What is one word that describes you? A word that describes me best is the river. Why? The river whispers a constant truth to everyone. It symbolises  "to keep moving forward".  It is important to understand that just like the river carries giant rocks, pebbles, seeds and trees with it , similarly we are all… Continue reading River


Which shade am I?

Which shade am I?Is it the rusted iron which you had cast aside, an unfit for wall and a burden to confide?Or the shade of the dampened earth whereraindrops softly breathed last night?Am I in the shade of boundless azure.. clear and bright?or the storm-tossed grey sight, a harbinger of dark night?Maybe I am a… Continue reading Which shade am I?


An ode to the mothers who lost their unborn children

Dear mothers,In the ache of your heart, the empty womb you  cradleWith the yearning to reclaim what's lost echoesI speak to you, of your courage , the will to live and look at the survivors you cherishThe children you hold dear are the brave beings who survived and defeated the course of destiny that God… Continue reading An ode to the mothers who lost their unborn children